Millions of Americans will volunteer their time over the next month. Many will complete service projects with their work, school, church, or club. Many others will use a project as a family bonding experience. If you are one of these volunteers or a prospective volunteer, here are a few ways to make sure that you are doing the most good.
Find an opportunity that you think is interesting. A task may sound fun, an organization may need someone with a skill that you have or would like to learn, or a project may address a cause that you are passionate about. You will be more productive when you enjoy the work you are doing. Volunteer opportunities are often posted by nonprofit organizations on their social media pages and websites. The VOLUNTEER Lenawee! Facebook page also posts volunteer opportunities from around Lenawee County. You can also call the Lenawee Community Foundation office at 517.423.1729 or e-mail to discuss volunteer opportunities.
Continue to volunteer after the holidays are over. December may be the month for giving, but need exists year-round.
Consider volunteering a few days before or the day after a major holiday or event. Nonprofit organizations often have a large supply of volunteers to help run large events, but are often short-staffed when preparing for the event or cleaning up after it. Call or e-mail the organization to see if they need any extra help during these times.
If you are looking for some ways to get involved this holiday season, here are a few opportunities to consider:
Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Michigan is searching for volunteers to sort donations at their Adrian location. Call 517.263.2135 for more information.
The Lenawee Community Foundation packs weekend snack sacks at its office. The sacks are distributed to low-income students at Adrian and Madison schools. Call 517.423.1729 for more information.
Lenawee Medical Care Facility has multiple volunteer opportunities. People with special talents can volunteer to perform for residents. Volunteers can bring their well-behaved pets to visit with residents. Lenawee Medical also has volunteers lead bingo games and talk with residents. E-mail for more information.
The Lenawee YOUTH Council provides volunteer and other opportunities to Lenawee County youth between the ages of 12 and 21. The Lenawee YOUTH Council meets twice a month on Mondays from 6:30-8:00 pm at the LISD Tech Center in Adrian. Call 517.423.1729 or e-mail for more information.
Spenser A. Warren is an AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) with the Lenawee Community Foundation. He serves the Lenawee College Access Network, Lenawee Youth Council, and VOLUNTEER Lenawee!