Visit our Facebook page and follow us for ways you can volunteer in Lenawee County. You can also contact us today to learn how you can help!
Find an Opportunity that fits YOU!
VOLUNTEER Lenawee! offers a range of volunteer programs designed to provide everyone with the opportunity to make a difference in our community.
Include your kids and make a positive difference in the community with your whole family.
Teen Volunteering
Are you 12-18? Find a volunteer opportunity for you, your school club, youth group, friends and more!
Corporate Volunteering
VOLUNTEER Lenawee! makes it easy for your company or organization to get involved in our community in a meaningful way.
Adult Volunteer Resources
Learn about our volunteer programs connecting adults with service.
Lead a Project
Be the face of VOLUNTEER Lenawee! Facilitate the volunteer experience by becoming a Volunteer Leader!
Court-Ordered Volunteering
Find resources to help you complete your community service hours and turn a requirement into a positive opportunity.