“Health Across Lenawee” is a free community event about healthy choices, physical activity, and life-long literacy. You are invited to join us to celebrate life, literacy, and the pursuit of happiness!
The event will take place on Saturday, August 19 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the heart of the Adrian Downtown Farmers Market at 115 Toledo Street in Adrian.
Hosts include the Lenawee Community Foundation with Healthy Lenawee 2020, and the Lenawee ISD Literacy Initiative with Cradle to Career (C2C).
The event will provide the opportunity for adults & children to learn more about healthy choices
and physical activity, as they visit local vendors and fresh farm stands. Visitors will also learn about various programs offered in Lenawee County.
Prescription for Health will provide eligible clients an opportunity to redeem $6 in tokens for the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables for up to seven visits during the season at the Adrian Farmers Market. The Veggie Mobile, which aims to increase the number of residents with access to fresh fruits and vegetables, will hand out a cute, bi-lingual book to children about fruits and vegetables.
ProMedica Bixby Hospital will give information to help individuals identify signs and symptoms of strokes, as well as risk factors for stroke & A-fib, and provide education for prevention. The YMCA will share information to identify signs and symptoms of prediabetes and high blood pressure, and provide prevention tips. Community Action Agency’s WIC Program will share information on nutrition for pregnant/postpartum women and for infants/children up to age five. They will also provide breastfeeding information, including education on pumps if returning to work or school.
The Lenawee ISD, in partnership with C2C, will host POP-Up Literacy stations for children and families to make-and-take a personalized book, engage in science labs, and take home a free book, courtesy of Lenawee ISD Literacy Initiative and Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Michigan.
“Health Across Lenawee” participants will be able to pick up a Healthy Lenawee 2020 passport, engage in a little physical activity and enter the completed passport for a chance to win a gift basket. Best of all, you can follow a path to a healthier, stronger you.
For information contact Cynthia at 517-423-1729 or Mellissa at 517-265-1638.
We hope to see you at the Adrian Farmer’s Market on August 19, as we celebrate life, literacy, and the pursuit of happiness!
Written by Cynthia Heady, Special Project & Community Wellness Coordinator, Lenawee Community Foundation