How can you make a difference in Lenawee County?
Join your neighbors and millions of volunteers across the nation on October 25th, 2014 for the 22nd annual Make A Difference Day! VOLUNTEER Lenawee! program of the Lenawee Community Foundation in collaboration with USA WEEKEND Magazine and Points of Light, will unite with a common mission – to improve the lives of others. Make A Difference Day is the largest national day of community service.
Please take the time this month to gather your friends and family to schedule a volunteer project of your own. Together we can make a difference here in Lenawee County. A volunteer project can be as ambitious as organizing a community diaper drive or as personal as helping a neighbor. Some great local volunteer opportunities include:
Department of Aging
Delivering meals to senior citizens: Contact your local Senior Center for more information.
Volunteer transportation for senior citizens: Contact Libby at (517) 264-5280
Rake N’ Run (Ongoing during November): Call (517) 264-5280 for more information.
Domestic Violence Shelter
October 24th Glow Run—Volunteers needed for games, registration, and organizing. Contact Jessica Pupos at (517) 265-6776 for more information.
Currently in need of Donations: Towels, wash clothes, kitchen ware, adult and children’s cold medicine, deodorant, family size toothpaste, and size 5 & 6 diapers. To coordinate a donation drop off, please call (517) 265-6776
The Daily Bread of Lenawee
Looking for volunteers to serve meals and provide fellowship: Tuesdays – Saturdays 10:30am – 2:30pm.
Contact Rhonda for more information at (517) 266-0937
Hospice of Lenawee
For Hospice volunteer opportunities: Call Heather at (517) 263-2323.
Associated Charities
Volunteers needed for Keep Lenawee Warm Campaign: Oct 21st & 22nd 9am – 3pm. Help setup the store with winter apparel. For more information contact Delight at (517) 265-7255
Volunteerism is a great way to connect with your community and feel good about where you live. For a complete list of available volunteer opportunities contact VOLUNTEER Lenawee! A program of the Lenawee Community Foundation at (517) 423-1729, visit us on the web at, or find us on Facebook.