FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – LCF welcomes Jim Southard to AmeriCorps VISTA
The Lenawee Community Foundation is pleased to welcome Jim Southard to our staff. He will serve as an AmeriCorps*VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), similar to the Peace Corps, but in the U.S. instead of in a foreign country. He will be working through the Michigan Nonprofit Association, in partnership with the Lenawee Community Foundation and the Lenawee College Access Network.
Jim Southard’s life of service was ingrained in high school through various volunteer and community service projects. As a lifelong resident of Lenawee County, who graduated from high school in Deerfield and Siena Heights University, working with the Lenawee Community Foundation was a true match made in heaven. “Working with people like Paula Trentman and Sue Hammersmith, true givers in every sense of the word, especially to our children, has inspired me to serve. They are examples of the very reasons I chose to serve in Lenawee County.” Southard stated.
Southard’s primary goals include addressing community needs, assisting nonprofits with volunteer management, helping local volunteers find the best placements, and providing support towards our community goal of 60% of residents having post-secondary credentials by 2025. As staff of the Lenawee Community Foundation’s VOLUNTEER Lenawee! program, Southard will recruit and match volunteers with organizations in Lenawee County. In his work with the Lenawee College Access Network he will support career and college exploration, college visits, College Application Week activities and more.
If you have questions regarding these programs or would like to volunteer, contact Jim Southard today!