Do you have a way to pay for college? If not, there is still time to file your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA). Don’t delay. Also, now is the time to start applying for scholarships!
Scholarships are a great way to reduce the cost of the college, and the best part is that the scholarship money that is received does not need to be paid back!
Listed below are a few resources for scholarships that students, who are planning on attending college, can use to kick start the scholarship search!
- Lenawee County Education Foundation
- Your high school counselor
- Your school district education foundation
- Check the websites of the colleges that you are considering
- Check with your parents and grandparents for scholarships through their places of work
Happy scholarship searching to all students and their families from the Lenawee College Access Network (LCAN).
Sarah Hartigan is an AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) with the Lenawee Community Foundation. She serves the Lenawee College Access Network, Lenawee Youth Council, and VOLUNTEER Lenawee!