Lenawee YOUTH Council Grants

Lenawee YOUTH Council (LYC), a program of the Lenawee Community Foundation, is pleased to announce that new members are being accepted and grants are available to organizations serving Lenawee youth.

LYC members, ages 12-21, volunteer throughout our community, meet other teens, sponsor a summer leadership camp, go on college tours, serve on nonprofit boards, and explore careers. Interested? Come join us. Upcoming meetings will be held at the LISD TECH Center on March 23, April 13 & 27 from 6:30-8 pm. LYC welcomes new members.

LYC also conducts a youth grant program that teaches young people about philanthropy and provides funding for programs or projects benefiting Lenawee County youth. Grants will be awarded only to non-profit organizations, local schools, or youth groups.

Basic eligibility requirements for grants include: documentation of how youth assets will be increased; inclusion of youth as partners in planning and implementation; documentation of a youth leader between the ages of 12 and 21; and service benefiting youth within Lenawee County. These one-time grants will need to involve volunteers whenever possible.

Highest priority will be given to projects or programs that increase youth assets, as documented by the Search Institute Attitudes and Behaviors survey conducted in Lenawee County. The survey provides data about the 40 key opportunities, skills, relationships, values, and self-perceptions that all young people need to succeed.

Members of the Lenawee YOUTH Council will study the grant requests, discuss where the highest impact can be achieved, make tough choices, and then develop recommendations for the Lenawee Community Foundation Board of Directors for final approval.

Applicants should contact the Foundation prior to applying. Applications are due by 12 p.m. on April 1.

Priority will be given to proposals that demonstrate active youth participation and youth volunteerism. Partnerships are strongly encouraged. Youth, who review the grants, will consider geographic diversity and the percentage of the project for which funding is requested.

A total of $25,000 will be awarded. Applicants may request up to $2,000, however some applicants may receive partial funding or may not be funded.

Investment earnings from the Kellogg Youth Fund, which is permanently endowed, provide the funding for the grants as well as the LYC program. It is a great investment in our youth for the future of our community!

If you are interested in participating in the Lenawee YOUTH Council or have questions about LYC or grants contact Paula Trentman at (517) 423-1729 or find us on FaceBook.


Paula Trentman is Vice President & Program Manager at Lenawee Community Foundation.