Lenawee Cares Campaign to Kickoff on September 11, 2018

Please join us when Lenawee Cares officially kicks off the annual campaign on Tuesday, September 11 from 7:30-8:30 a.m. at the Armory, 230 West Maumee Street in Adrian.

It is especially exciting to kick off the Lenawee Cares campaign on 9/11, which is the National Day of Service and Remembrance.  In addition to remembering the thousands who lost their lives, it is a special time to celebrate the spirit of volunteerism that was sparked on 9/11/2001 and continues to flourish every day in Lenawee County.

Lenawee Cares, established by our community in 2016, is an efficient and effective annual campaign and grant process, focused on health and human services with an emphasis on meeting basic needs.  Because of generous donors and significantly decreased overhead, funding to local nonprofits has increased by 46% in only 2 years.

To make a reservation for the breakfast meeting, or for additional information call Lenawee Community Foundation at 423-1729 or contact Paula at paula@lenaweecf.com.  There is no cost to attend. 

  • bereavedparentsawarenessmonth.info

    The agency continues to provide counseling services in addition to programs that serve youth, individuals, and families in need and all focusing on improving the quality of life for their neighbors in the community, fulfilling their mission of charity. The agency, Sue said, is now part of the Diocese of Lansing. In 2010 Catholic Charities of Lenawee merged with Catholic Charities of Jackson County to become Catholic Charities of Jackson, Lenawee and Hillsdale Counties. Among the programs offered are: Substance Abuse Counseling, Mental Health and Marital Counseling, Sexual Abuse Treatment, Prisoner Re-Entry program, and Foster Care Adoption to name a few.

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