How can I help if a disaster strikes my community? By VRC training, sign up today!

Volunteer Response Center (VRC) training, when disaster strikes… you’ll know what to do!

The Lenawee Community Foundation is sponsoring a Volunteer Response Center (VRC) training workshop on June 11th, 2014 at Siena Heights University in Adrian, Michigan.  From 9:00 am until 3:00 pm VRC volunteers will learn how to work with local emergency offices and spontaneous volunteers by:

  • Assisting people in finding appropriate, productive, and safe ways to volunteer and
  • Assisting nonprofit organizations in recruiting volunteers to respond to the disaster.

Lenawee County needs a team of volunteers like you to be ready to respond when the Emergency Manager calls our VRC into action.

A Volunteer Response Center is one link in the chain of responses necessary for an organized disaster response. We need to plan ahead and establish a functional VRC in preparation for the next natural or man-made disaster in Lenawee County.  You can be part of this plan and you will be needed if that time ever comes.

If you can spare 6 hours to learn what it takes to be the person who stands up and helps others when disaster strikes, than this workshop is the perfect fit for you?  6 hours could potentially save someones life. You can be part of this plan and you are needed. Sign up today!

Join us on:
June 11, 2014, 9 am-3 pm

Siena Heights University
1247 E. Siena Heights Dr.
Adrian, MI 49221

Workshop is at Dominican Hall in classroom 203

Fee: $25 per person, covers lunch and materials.

Scholarships are available.


Hurry, space is limited!