The Legacy Society – V.C. & Velma Knight
“My parents came from humble backgrounds,” stated Marilyn Underhill, daughter of V.C. and Velma Knight. “But, they did well financially and were able to help hundreds of people in their lifetimes.”
But V.C. and Velma Knight have done much more than help people in their lifetimes. Although Velma passed away in 1980, and V.C. in 2005, they continue to help others. In fact, their most recent grant distributions of $30,000 will assist thousands of Lenawee residents with their basic needs.
Their “dedication to help their fellow human beings,” according to their daughter, is alive today because of the legacy they left. Currently, their legacy is providing counseling services, assisting the Catherine Cobb Domestic Violence Shelter, promoting literacy, providing housing, giving back-to-school clothes to kids and providing food to people in need.
V.C. was a pioneer in the air conditioning business and owner of Addison Products Company, while Velma was a lifelong Bible scholar. But, today they’re known as caring people, who chose to leave a legacy that will live for good for ever.
Please consider including the
Lenawee Community Foundation
in your will or estate plan.
For good. For ever.