The Legacy Society – The Duncan Family
Bernice Duncan passed away in 2005. Today, she’s helping a student with college. On New Year’s morning, 1947 Harry & Bernice Duncan’s lives were changed forever. Their 18-year-old daughter, Marda Gene, was in a serious car accident and became a paraplegic. Bernice cared for her daughter, until Marda Gene’s death 50 years later. When Bernice subsequently passed away, the Lenawee Community Foundation was named as a beneficiary in her trust. The Board of Directors established a scholarship fund to honor the family for good for ever.
Brian Elliott was the first recipient of the Bernice, Harry, & Marda Gene Duncan Scholarship. Although a diving accident in 2005 left Brian a quadriplegic, today he is pursuing his dream of becoming an athletic director. The Central Michigan University student from Tecumseh enjoys volunteering with younger students, and appreciates the scholarship he received from the Duncan family legacy.
Please consider including the
Lenawee Community Foundation
in your will or estate plan.
For good. For ever.