It’s National Volunteer Week!

It’s National Volunteer Week!

National Volunteer Week is about inspiring, recognizing and encouraging people to seek out ways to participate in their communities.  It’s about working together to meet our challenges and accomplish our goals.

Sponsored nationally by Points of Light, National Volunteer Week was established in 1974 and has grown exponentially each subsequent year.  This year will be even more energizing and inspiring with the fifth year anniversary of the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, the creation of the Volunteer Generation Fund and the resonant call to serve from the President.

National Volunteer Week is sponsored locally by Volunteer Lenawee!, a program of the Lenawee Community Foundation.  At the present time 154 nonprofits are offering 1,908 volunteer opportunities through Volunteer Lenawee!  Additionally, a Community Resource guide is available for individuals or organizations.

Lenawee County has good numbers.  Not used to hearing that? It’s true! There are groups and individuals who have taken our non-profits into their hearts, so each has a core of dedicated volunteers.  There are many volunteers who are doing more than their share for our community.  You probably know some.  Maybe you are one.  Thank you!

If you are looking for a way to give back, a perfect time to help others is during National Volunteer Week, that runs from April 6-13 this year.  This whole week will better our community, make Lenawee great, and honor our volunteers.  It’s a great opportunity to invest your time and talents in our community.

VOLUNTEER Lenawee!, a program of the Lenawee Community Foundation, has volunteer opportunities to share with you!  Please contact Jessica at (517) 424-6576 or Contact Jessica or visit